Being able to read and write fluently and with pleasure in the English language has a uniquely foundational role in the whole of our curriculum. Without these essential skills, access to the rest of the curriculum would be severely limited. Teachers develop pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary skills as integral aspects of the teaching of every subject. We therefore ensure that English teaching is a priority, and we recognise that this is cross-curricular. It is part of the essential skills and knowledge that is needed for our pupils to develop into successful citizens and be creative thinkers. Genres of writing are regularly revisited across a pupil’s time at Fen Ditton, developing their long-term memory.
We aim to create the writers of the future. To do so, we develop the children’s courage and resilience to write at length, and insist they show the respect and kindness to listen and enjoy each other’s work being read out in class.
Please see more information about our curriculum for English in the document below.